Hello, my name is
Bobson Prosper P.
🇳🇬 Software crafter 💻

I'm a Software Engineer residing in Abuja, Nigeria. My expertise lies in Backend web development and application infrastructure.

I have a strong passion for transforming creative ideas into practical solutions through code. Solving problems and crafting elegant solutions is what drives me in the world of software engineering.

When I'm not coding, you can often find me playing computer games or pursuing photography.

Tech Stack
My Work

Everything Gadget (Backend)

A fully functional API for e-commmerce application, with card payment, email services, searching and sorting all implemented

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDb
  • Pug
  • SendGrid

Kpoi Kpoi Mingi Investment Ltd

An administrative dashboard platform that manages customers, goods, and staff. This comprehensive system incorporates various staff roles and levels of access, integrates payment gateways (Flutterwave and Paystack), facilitates email services, delivers real-time notifications, and presents graphical data and statistics.

  • Node.js
  • S3
  • Typescript
  • MongoDb
  • Paystack
  • Socket.io

More About Me


My passion for web development began during my electrical/electronic engineering studies. I have since focused on honing my backend web development skills, specializing in TypeScript, Node.js, and related technologies.

I am dedicated to writing clean code and implementing best practices, including Object-Oriented Programming with TypeScript, Clean Architecture, and Domain-Driven Design (DDD). I am keen on adopting microservices and serverless technologies for future growth and open to both Node.js backend roles and internship opportunities to further develop my skills.

Contact Me